Occasional Objects


Roman fountain patched to a system of music / a streak of water in / the whole material design / denim with ruby fasteners / reflected even in the statement / a collapsible landing the stairs into another world under time / I am uncertain who resides on this private island / of plants pressed against the glass

"I think of Occasional Objects as a deranged wall sized mirror, that is secretly also a filter. All portals feel slightly outdated at the moment. I feel incredibly proud of our sequence. It deserves the sumptuous excess of this material publication. Once the broad hat of the title settled down onto our heads, the poems appeared as nearly complete machinery, teetering softly in mid air. How does the flowering of poetry keep alive for months through hotels and summer festivals, through golden accordion doors of elevators and their sudden jerking upright? All of my critical prose seems to use friendship as its glittering bedrock and inevitably the poems lash out to highlight our collaborative victories at night. It has the feel of a fancy coloring book, with utmost illumination and design formed at the hands of J Grabowski."

- Cedar Sigo

$12, plus shipping. 8.5" x 11", 20 pages, saddle stitched. First edition of 250. Images and lettering by J Grabowski.

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